Our Vermouth

Our Vermouth

How it's made

The Process

This award winning, handcrafted vermouth uses twenty botanicals including gorse from the island, a deep dark caramel and a Verdejo grape from the Rueda Valley near Madrid.

Having launched in 2021, Valentia Island Vermouth has won numerous awards due to its unique Taste profile and been named Top Ten vermouth in the world by Falstaff magazine. Anna and Orla have featured on the television series Ireland; Coast and Country on More 4,The Irish Times, The Irish Independent, Irish Examiner, Image Magazine, Irish Farmer Journal and lifestyle magazines as well as local news and media.

OR by Valentia Island Vermouth
  • Step 1

    Foraging For Botinicals

    Experimenting and playing, testing and tasting, foraging wild flowers.
    Using plants and herbs from the island‘s rich hedgerows, Anna and Orla made Ireland’s first vermouth.

  • Step 2


    The twenty botanicals are then steeped in alcohol to bring the flavour of each plant out.

  • Step 3

    Making the Caramel

    A deep dark caramel is made until it’s nearly burnt to help create the complex taste profile of our vermouth.

  • Step 4

    Bottled and labelled by hand

    Each and every bottle of vermouth is carefully bottled and labelled with love by hand here in Co.Kerry, ready to be picked up and delivered all around Ireland.